Raspberry Pi Custom Enclosure Project

Custom Requirements for Raspberry Pi Enclosure

Customer Application: Envision's client had purchased a standard Raspberry Pi unit but wanted customization of the plastic enclosure due to component accessibility and branding requirements.

Important Criteria: Not all components of the Raspberry Pi 3 were going to be used for final functionality within the plastic enclosure. Our customer wanted to conceal unused components but still create access ports (holes / cutouts) for the components that were to be used. Off-the-shelf standard Raspberry Pi cases did not allow for this option. In addition, custom branding was required which, again, was not offerred by off-the-shelf suppliers of Raspberry Pi cases.

Envision Plastics' Solution: Our design staff easily determined proper mounting criteria for the Raspberry Pi 3 mini computer in the housing and properly located all connectors which were to protrude through the plastic enclosure's side walls. Our team also imported Adobe Illustrator files to properly scale and locate company branding artwork on the new Raspberry Pi case. Prototypes worked out perfect and the product went into production shortly thereafter!

custom case raspberry Pi 3 Computer Unit Plastic Enclosure custom housing for raspberry pi 3 mini computer